

ACM International Conference Proceedings Series


Conference proceedings that fall within the ACM area of interest are posted in the digital library of one of the world's largest professional communities, the Association of Computing Machinery. Materials are indexed by leading scientometric systems.

PUBLISHER ACM Digital Library
Publisher website ACM International Conference Proceedings Series
ISSN отсутствует
DOI is assigned to all publications


ACM Digital Library – electronic full-text database of ACM scientific publications. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is one of the largest professional organizations with about 200,000 members worldwide. ACM Digital Library publishes about 100 ongoing publications dedicated to current technical, technological, economic, and socio-ethical issues of computer technology development. Publications include scientific, technical, and popular science journals, book series, and a large-scale of conference series. More than 100 thousands full-text documents are made available to subscribers every year.


ACM Digital Library – electronic full-text database of ACM scientific publications. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is one of the largest professional organizations with about 200,000 members worldwide. ACM Digital Library publishes about 100 ongoing publications dedicated to current technical, technological, economic, and socio-ethical issues of computer technology development. Publications include scientific, technical, and popular science journals, book series, and a large-scale of conference series. More than 100 thousands full-text documents are made available to subscribers every year.


  • Indexed in the Scopus database as the volumes of conference proceedings.

ACM International Conference Proceedings Series

Snapshot from the abstract database

  • Reviewed by the CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index) database in the WoS Core Collection.

ACM International Conference Proceedings Series

Snapshot from the abstract database